APEX850 by Malcolm McKeon and Royal Huisman - RenderingByAltspace_cam08_day half 1 JVT


In keeping with the aim of achieving simplicity and reliability, Aquarius’ engine room is equipped on well-established lines with an MTU 720kW main engine providing propulsion through a mechanical train, while two gensets provide the hotel and systems services. Less usually for a yacht of under 500GT, the exhaust gas from the gensets is filtered to eliminate soot and other pollution. The entire engine room has been designed and engineered as a heavily insulated compartment, inside which specialised mountings and insulation packages have been used for the installation of the main machinery. Royal Huisman has researched and tested many new methods and materials over the years with the aim of fully eliminating the transmission of noise and vibration through the hull to the accommodation and amenity areas. The effectiveness of the yard’s advanced insulation processes can be judged from the near absence of noise or vibration anywhere in the accommodation areas of Aquarius – even though the ‘social hub’ deck salon is located directly above the machinery spaces.