Today’s Royal Huisman is an extraordinary blend of twenty-first century technology and innovation, traditional craftsmanship and timeless values, yet in 1884 the original Huisman yard was established to build small wooden working boats.

140 years later – and having been awarded the ‘Royal’ Warrant on its 100th anniversary – Royal Huisman builds awardwinning  luxury custom yachts that remain to this day unrivalled in many ways.

As one client surmised when contemplating the differences between Huisman yachts and other builds: “You might get something that looks like a Huisman yacht, but it won’t be a Huisman yacht.”

Passion for perfection is the driving force behind the Royal Huisman team, for whom “quality” is defined not just by the yachts they build but by every single aspect of customer service, care and communication.


The realisation of an exceptional custom yacht from the seeds of a dream presents an exciting challenge for talented minds and skills-rich hands. Benefitting from decades of experience in the creation of high performance race yachts, cruising yachts and luxury superyachts, Royal Huisman has adopted very effective responses to this challenge, encompassing a flexible yet integrated range of skills and resources.

The shipyard’s approach is all about improved ways to direct its most important asset: its large team, across a wide range of disciplines. And not just the shipyard’s own team – the new approach also optimises the contribution of specialist contractors, whose knowledge and involvement complement the shipyard’s intellectual capital.


In one aspect of Royal Huisman’s new approach, “bringing all relevant parties together” is not just an adage but a very literal methodology: Concurrent Design & Engineering sessions place the actual persons (both stakeholders and specialists) together in one room to work simultaneously on subjects from the angle of every relevant discipline. A quick and very thorough way to ensure Smart and Simple solutions, prevent clashes down the line and make the most of specialist integrated ingenuity.


Another aspect is to divide new build timeframes into Stage Gates which, in short, are predefined steps that need to be completed throughout the design and construction of the project. Passing a Gate means that the project is ready to move on to its next Stage, in the certainty that all tasks essential to that Stage have been successfully concluded.


Before entering into the realm of Concurrent Design and Stage Gates, new builds are brought to life by Royal Huisman’s Concept Design specialists: a highly experienced team, working at one end of the spectrum with advanced software and, at the other, with full scale mock-ups created by Royal Huisman’s craftsmen – all uniquely equipped to explore, develop and optimise the ideas of client and designer.

The Concept Design tools and techniques – whether 3D, 2D or physical creations like full-scale mockups – help to identify and resolve issues and opportunities relating to the use of space before construction begins. They ensure total integration of the owner’s lifestyle objectives and the engineering, systems, construction and operational requirements for the project. This meticulous approach yields finer quality, saves production costs and spares owners from ever having to “wish they’d done that differently”.

Read on at this website: news > inhuis stories & updates > design mockups: getting it right [link]


Translating concept to engineering involves many aspects. The meticulous routing of intricate pipe and cable runs, for example; setting up complete systems such as alarms, security and monitoring, hydraulics, power generation and energy storage, which are rigorously tested before installation on board. The vessel’s interior furniture is manufactured and pre-assembled in the joinery hall to ensure a perfect finish and functionality before installation.

Royal Huisman’s advanced composites department progresses with innovative composite components. Their construction methodology ensures high levels of integration and facilitates the power-to-weight ratio that is instrumental to sailing performance. Nothing is left to chance.

Crucially, very exact planning is employed throughout, and this is certainly where the shipyard’s Concurrent Design and Stage Gate program come into play. A new oceangoing vessel takes shape.


The launch of a Royal Huisman yacht is a time of great pride for owner and shipyard alike: it is the beginning of a great adventure for the owner, family, friends and crew – and of the shipyard’s new role as a provider of services.

A Royal Huisman yacht is designed and constructed to be as trouble-free and operationally efficient as can be, recognizing that the oceans are a testing environment.

Owners welcome the reassurance that the Huisman team firmly stands behind its work, providing expert advice, service and support worldwide, not only throughout the warranty period but far into the future.