Royal Huisman & The Netherlands


Royal Huisman & The Netherlands

Royal Huisman: 42,000 m2 of purpose-built superyacht construction and refit facilities

The shipyards’s leading-edge capability is based on its purpose-built superyacht facilities in Vollenhove and Amsterdam. Both locations  are located within easy reach of Schiphol airport, by road, or private aircraft. The true strength of the shipyard resides not so much in its comprehensive range of facilities and equipment (although these are as extensive as any in the world) as in the team that employs them. Because, unlike shipyards that recruit staff on a project by project basis, Royal Huisman has permanent and highly talented group of multi-disciplinary craftsmen and specialists who have worked together over the long term and who operate as a team . The collective knowledge, experience and expertise of this team is unrivalled, and further enhanced by well-established working relationships with the region’s marine  engineering specialists and partners. All of these skills and resources are blended specifically to the requirements of each individual projects through Royal Huisman’s intelligent and renowned engineering process – focused exclusively on the goal of building the world’s finest custom yachts.

The Netherlands: 41,526,000,000 m2 of rich and diverse cultural attractions

For a small country, Holland has everything (except, perhaps, mountains!). The rich and diverse culture of the Netherlands extends from the arts, history, architecture and vibrant social life of its cities to magnificent areas of unspoiled coastline and countryside that are easily reached yet could hardly feel more distant from the energy and buzz of the modern cities. There are fascinating mediaeval towns and villages too, each with its own story to tell of centuries past in the long cultural, seafaring and trading heritage of this vibrant nation. Holland is also a country of enormous engineering achievements, with projects such as the truly breath-taking Delta Works in the Maas-Schelde delta offering stunning sight-seeing opportunities. Against this colorful background, the Netherlands offers every conceivable type of sport and leisure activity, all made highly accessible by superb transportation connections with excellent links to neighboring countries.

Taking delivery of your own custom superyacht and sailing her to the destinations of your dreams ranks as one of life’s most fulfilling experiences. And with the right choice of yard and location, the process of building her can come a close second. Building a custom yacht takes time – time that can, and should be, enjoyed to the fullest: participating in the realisation of your dream, building relationships with the people who bring that dream to life, and at the same time, discovering the cultural and environmental riches of the local region.

Beyond the ease of access from Schiphol international airport, the area around Royal Huisman’s headquarters in Vollenhove is among the most picturesque in Holland, offering a wealth of natural and cultural attractions. All this, in addition to an industry-leading superyacht shipyard, makes for a winning combination.

Why build at Royal Huisman?

Location, quality, culture. Curious? link

“The perfect combination” was first published in a previous edition of “inhuis”

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima – for many, the perfect combination of traditional royal lineage with the modern world. Their accession in 2013 followed the abdication of the much-respected Queen Beatrix who, in 1984, bestowed the “Royal” title upon the Huisman shipyard. An accolade that has to be earned rather than automatically given, the Royal title was awarded in recognition of 100 years of quality and excellence – a tradition that continues to this day.

Some miscellaneous highlights of Dutch Achievement

  • SPORT: In 1297 the first game of Kolf, a golf-like game (kolf in Dutch) and precursor of the Golf we know today, takes pride in Loenen aan de Vecht, Holland.
  • YACHTING: The yacht was originally defined, in 1580, as a light, fast sailing vessel used by the Dutch navy to pursue pirates and other transgressors around and into the shallow waters of the Low Countries. Later, yachts came to be perceived as Luxury, or recreational vessels.
  • FINANCE: In 1602 the Amsterdam Stock Exchange opened its doors for business. It is the world’s oldest stock exchange and its shares, issues by the Dutch East India Company, were the first shares ever to be traded.
  • AGRICULTURE: In 1500, Dutch carrot-growers invented the orange carrot by cross breeding pale yellow carrots with red carrots. Before that, carrots were white, yellow, black, purple or red. Legend has it that they were cultivated in honour of the House of Orange, who led the Dutch Revolt against Spain and later became the Dutch Royal family.
  • TRANSPORT: The Spyker automotive company was founded in 1880. In 1903 they built the world’s first six-cylinder four-wheel-drive car.
  • AVIATION: 1911 saw Anton ‘Antony’ Fokker’s inaugural flight in his Spider aircraft, leading to the formation of the Fokker Aviation company in 1919.
  • SCIENCE: In 1902 Willem Enthoven first recorded a human electrodiagram (ECG).
  • DISCOVERY: In 1616 Dirk Hartog discovered the western coast of Australia following a 1606 sighting by Willem Janszoon aboard the Dutch Duyfken.
  • SPACE: In 1985 Astronaut Lodewijk van den Berg became the first Dutchman in outer space, flying aboard the space shuttle Challenger as payload specialist.
  • CONSTRUCTION: In 1594 Cornelis Corneliszoon invented the wind powered sawmill.
  • TECHNOLOGY: In 1991 Dutchman Vic Hayes was named after ‘father of wifi’ for his discovery of the 802.11 wireless protocol